Braddy, Nella. Anne Sullivan Macy: the story behind Helen Keller . Garden City: Doubleday, 1934. Inscribed to Adele C. Brockhoff abd signed by Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan and Polly Thomson Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series II: Books (Catalogued in the Rare Book Collection)
Fosdick. Harry Emerson. New York. 27 Jan 1953. To Adele C. Brockhoff. t.l.s. 1p. (with t.copy of letter from Helen Keller to Fosdick. 18 Feb 1953. and t.copy of his reply, 27 Feb 1953) Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series I: Manuscripts
Hemingway, Ernest. For whom the bell tolls . New York: Scribner's, 1940. First edition, first printing. Inscribed to Adele C. Brockhoff and signed by the author Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series II: Books (Catalogued in the Rare Book Collection)
Hemingway. Patrick M. and Henriette Broyles Hemingway (Mrs. Patrick M.) East Africa [ca.1952) To Adele C. Brockhoff. a.l.s. (in the hand of Mrs. Hemingway) Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series I: Manuscripts
Hemingway. Pauline Pfeitter (Mrs. Ernest) Key West, Fla., 2 June 1951 & [n.d.], To Adele C. Brockhoff, 1 a.l.s., 3 t.l.s., June 1951 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series I: Manuscripts
Keller, Helen. Let us have faith . New York: Doubleday, 1940. First edition. Inscribed to Adele C. Brockhoff and signed by the author. Dec 1940. With a.n. to Miss Brockhoff by Gustavus A. Pfeifter, 28, July 1942 Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series II: Books (Catalogued in the Rare Book Collection)
Keller, Helen. Seattle. 27 May 1946. To Gustevus A. Pfeitter. t.l.s., 2p. Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series I: Manuscripts
Keller, Helen. Westport. Conn. 1949 -1957. To Adela C. Brockhoff. a.1.s., 7 t.l.s., 1949 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series I: Manuscripts
Keller, Helen. [Westport. Conn.] Christmas 1949 -1950. To [Adela C. Brockhoff) 2 p.c.s. (2 Christmas cards, signed by Miss Keller and Polly Thompson), 1949 Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series I: Manuscripts
-------. My religion . Garden City: Doubleday, 1927 Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series II: Books (Catalogued in the Rare Book Collection)
Nixon. Patricia Ryan (Mrs Richard N.) Washington, 12 July 1972. To Adela C. Brockhoff t.l.s, 1p. (with envelope) Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series I: Manuscripts
Reagan, Nancy (Mrs Ronald) Washington, 16 November 1981. To Adela C. Brockhoff t.l.s., 1p. Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series I: Manuscripts
Series II: Books (Catalogued in the Rare Book Collection) Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981
Series I: Manuscripts Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981
-------. Teacher: Anne Sullivan Macy. A tribute by the foster-child of her mind . Introduction by Nella Braddy Henney. Garden City: Doubleday, 1955. First edition. Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series II: Books (Catalogued in the Rare Book Collection)
Thompson, Polly. n.p., n.d. To Adele C. Brockhoff. a.l.s., 1.p. (With envelope; removed from Helen Keller, My Religion, 1927), n.d. Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series I: Manuscripts
Thompson, Polly. Westport, Conn., 1952 - 1957 & n.d. To Adele C. Brockhoff a.1.s. (written on behalf and signed for Helen Keller and herself), 1952, 1957, n.d. Request Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series I: Manuscripts
-------. Winner take nothing . New York: Seribner's, 1933. Signed by the author. Collection Context Rare Book & Manuscript Library Adele C. Brockhoff letters, 1946-1981Series II: Books (Catalogued in the Rare Book Collection)