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- Rare Book and Manuscript Library11
- Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone). Office of Military Government2
- Allied Forces. Supreme Headquarters. Psychological Warfare Division1
- Barr, Norbert George, 1901-1
- Bismarck, Otto, Fürst von, 1815-18981
- Clay, Lucius D (Lucius DuBignon), 1897-19781
- Cooper Union Museum for the Arts of Decoration1
- Dorn family1
- Dorn, Walter Louis1
- Force, Juliana, 1876-19481
- Frederick, King of Prussia, II, 1712-17861
- Fulbright, J. William (James William), 1905-19951
- Gavrilov, Konstantin Nikolaevich, 1901-19631
- Germany. Wehrmacht. Oberkommando1
- Hammurabi, King of Babylonia1
- Hathaway, Calvin Sutliff, 1907?-19741
- Hathaway, Jean G1
- Heyking, Hedwig von1
- Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut, 1903-19921
- MacArthur, Douglas, 1880-19641