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- Rare Book and Manuscript Library3
- Adams, Randolph Greenfield, 1892-19511
- American Library Association1
- American Printing History Association1
- American Printing History Association. Annual Conference1
- Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America1
- Association of College and Reference Libraries (U.S.)1
- Association of College and Reference Libraries (U.S.). Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. Preconference1
- Barnard Archives and Special Collections1
- Beilenson, Edna, 1909-19811
- Belanger, Terry1
- Caxton, William, approximately 1422-1491 or 14921
- Ciardi, John, 1916-19861
- Columbia University. School of Library Service1
- Columbia University. School of Library Service -- History1
- Dunlap, Joseph R (Joseph Riggs), 1913-1
- Edel, Leon, 1907-19971
- Fowlie, Wallace, 1908-19981
- Goldwater, Walter1
- Goodrich, L. Carrington (Luther Carrington), 1894-19861