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- Rare Book and Manuscript Library9
- Thorndike, Sybil, Dame, 1882-19762
- Adler, Mortimer Jerome, 1902-20011
- Alexander, Jane1
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences1
- Amherst College -- Faculty1
- Andrews, Harry1
- Anglin, Margaret, 1876-19581
- Antin, David1
- Ashbery, John, 1927-20171
- Ayckbourn, Alan, 1939-1
- Barrie, J. M (James Matthew), 1860-19371
- Barrymore, John, 1882-19421
- Bates, H. E (Herbert Ernest), 1905-19741
- Beard, Charles A (Charles Austin), 1874-19481
- Benedict, Ruth, 1887-19481
- BeneĢt, William Rose, 1886-19501
- Bentley, Eric, 1916-1
- Bessie, Alvah Cecil, 1904-19851
- Bolt, Robert1