- Hays, Paul R (Paul Raymond), 1903-19801
- Howe, Darcus1
- Howe, Leila Hassan, 1948-1
- Jacobs, Dennis G., 1944-1
- James, C. L. R (Cyril Lionel Robert), 1901-19891
- Judicial Conference of the United States1
- Judicial Conference of the United States. Committee on Long Range Planning1
- Katzmann, Robert A1
- Kaufman, Irving R (Irving Robert), 1910-19921
- Kearse, Amalya1
- Leval, Pierre N (Pierre Nelson), 1936-1
- Lumbard, J. Edward (Joseph Edward), 1901-19991
- Mahoney, John Daniel1
- Mansfield, Walter Roe, 1911-19871
- McLaughlin, Joseph M.1
- Medina, Harold R (Harold Raymond), 1888-19901
- Meskill, Thomas J., 1928-20071
- Miner, Roger J1
- Minnesota Iron Company1
- Moore, Leonard P1