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- Rare Book and Manuscript Library20
- United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc. (New York, N.Y.)5
- C. V. Starr East Asian Library3
- Columbia University3
- LaGuardia Community College. LaGuardia and Wagner Archives3
- Moske, James3
- Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library2
- Hudson Guild (New York, N.Y.)2
- Moses, Robert, 1888-19812
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund2
- Union Theological Seminary (New York, N.Y.)2
- Akester, Matthew1
- Allen, Woody, 1935-1
- Amnesty International1
- Amnesty International USA1
- Arthur Ross Architecture Gallery1
- Ashur, Geri, 1947-19841
- Association of the Bar of the City of New York1
- Bank Street College of Education1
- Barnard College1