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- Knopf, Alfred A., 1892-1984[remove]4
- Rare Book and Manuscript Library4
- Beard, Charles A (Charles Austin), 1874-19482
- Boorstin, Daniel J (Daniel Joseph), 1914-20042
- Columbia University2
- Dewey, John, 1859-19522
- Kazin, Alfred, 1915-19982
- Mumford, Lewis, 1895-19902
- Adler, Mortimer Jerome, 1902-20011
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences1
- American Council of Learned Societies1
- American Ethical Union. Fraternity of Leaders1
- American Society for the Study of Religion1
- Amherst College -- Faculty1
- Association for Jewish Studies1
- Bakhmetev, B. A. (Boris Aleksandrovich)1
- Barnes, Harry Elmer, 1889-19681
- Baron, Salo W (Salo Wittmayer), 1895-19891
- Barrymore, John, 1882-19421
- Barzun, Jacques, 1907-20121