- Cornell, Katharine, 1893-19741
- Dorn, Edward1
- Dupee, F. W (Frederick Wilcox), 1904-19791
- Eastman, Max, 1883-19691
- Economou, George1
- Elmslie, Kenward1
- Eshleman, Clayton1
- Federal Reserve Bank of New York1
- Fitzgerald, Geraldine, 1913-20051
- Ford, Charles Henri1
- Ford, Ford Madox, 1873-19391
- Galantière, Lewis, 1895-19771
- Giorno, John1
- Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-19611
- Hornick, Lita R., 1927-1
- Hughes, Richard, 1900-19761
- International Chamber of Commerce1
- Jolas, Eugène, 1894-19521
- Kostelanetz, Richard1
- Levin, Harry, 1912-19941