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- Columbia University2
- Barnard College1
- Barnard Colllege. Office of Alumnae Relations1
- Barzun, Jacques, 1907-20121
- Boardman, Fon W., Jr., 1911-20001
- Campbell, Joseph1
- Cole, Dorothy Ethlyn, 1907-1
- Columbia College (Columbia University). Double Discovery Center1
- Columbia University. Libraries1
- Crowell, J. Franklin (John Franklin), 1857-19311
- Dais, Larry1
- De-vitt, Lev L.1
- Declaration of Atlantic Unity1
- Denikin, Anton Ivanovich, 1872-19471
- Diamond, Sigmund1
- Fackenthal, Frank Diehl, 1883-19681
- Finch, James Kip, 1883-19671
- Gentzler, W. Emerson (Waldo Emerson)1
- Giddings, Franklin Henry, 1855-19311
- Gildersleeve, Virginia Crocheron, 1877-19651