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- Abbott Merkt and Company records, 1906-19941
- Abraham W. Geller architectural records and papers, 1915-1999, bulk 1940-1990s1
- AndreĢ Schiffrin papers, 1944-20141
- Charles A. Platt architectural records and papers, 1879-1981, bulk 1882-19331
- Clifton Fadiman papers, 1966-19701
- Donald C. Brace Papers, 1839-1991, bulk 1901-19551
- Douglas Putnam Haskell papers, 1866-1979-(bulk 1949-1964).1
- Emery Roth & Sons architectural records and papers, 1906-1996, bulk 1951-19941
- Evan J. Tudor furniture and interior design drawings and papers, 1908-19561
- George D. Kelsey papers, circa 1940 -- 19691
- Helen Worden Erskine papers, 1860-19841
- Henry A. Minton and John G. Minton architectural records and papers, 1914-19741
- James Marston Fitch papers, 1933-2000, 1933-20001
- John Leonard papers, 1939-2015, bulk 1950s-20081
- Leslie O. Merrill Collection of Greek Revival in Syracuse, 1827-1986, bulk 1941-19711
- Lewis Harvie Blair papers, 1897-19141
- Manning Marable papers, 1967-20121
- Paul Nelson architectural records and papers, 1924-19761
- Percy and Harold D. Uris papers, 1901-20031
- Richard F. Bach Papers, 1915-19621