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- Air Force ROTC photograph collection, 1955-19561
- Benjamin Waugh papers, 1925-1933, bulk 1927-19281
- Center for US-China Arts Exchange records, 1956-2019, bulk 1977-20031
- Charles F. Chandler papers, 1847-1937, bulk 1864-19251
- Columbia University Faculty Photographs collection, 19381
- Constance Baker Motley Papers, 1935-20061
- Department of Physics Historical records, 1862-1997, bulk 1906-19571
- Dixie Trainer papers, 1964-19971
- Edgar J. Kaufmann papers on Fallingwater, 1909-1976, bulk 1932-19551
- Edward Schwartz photographs and papers, 1930s-1960s1
- Frank Lloyd Wright Miscellanea, 1905-1995, bulk 1940s-1960s1
- Greene & Greene architectural drawings and records, 1896-19311
- Group for Contemporary Music records, 1962-19991
- Grove Press Collection, 1956-1984, bulk 1958-19831
- Hung-Hsun Ling papers, 1916-19741
- Jack and Irene Delano papers, 1731-2003, bulk 1920-19971
- Jim MacGregor Collection of documents produced by the 40th POLWAR Battalion of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, 1971-19721
- John B. Trevor papers on Riverside Church, 1920-19561
- John Barrington Bayley negatives and photographs, bulk ca. 1940s-1950s1
- John Mladinov Photograph Collection, 1939-19421