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- Chen Lifu Papers, 1926-1989, bulk 1926-19511
- Columbia University Committee on Student Organizations records, 1905-19191
- Genevieve Earle papers, 1935-19501
- International Institute of Rural Reconstruction records, 1914-20181
- Joseph M. Price papers, 1909-19431
- Park Benjamin papers, 1645-19251
- Renwick Family papers, 1794-19161
- Sally Goodgold Papers, 1940-2011, bulk 1970-20111
- Sam Schaefler historical and literary letters and documents, 1674-1970s1
- Solton and Julia Engel collection of literary letters manuscripts and drawings, 1832-19351
- Sydney Howard Gay papers, 1748-19311
- Uchreditel'noe sobranie Records, 1921-19221
- William Samuel Johnson Papers, 1753-18021
- William Samuel Johnson papers, 1834-18681