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- Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy papers, 1869-18791
- Ashley Horace Thorndike papers, 1902-19241
- Benjamin Disraeli papers, 1805-18961
- Charles Dickens papers, circa 1840-18701
- Columbia University collection of Frederick Rolfe papers, 1895-19861
- David Roth Martyr Worthy collection of Frederick William Rolfe papers, 1892-19731
- Dorothy Craigie papers, 1960-19661
- Havelock Ellis letters, 1894-19501
- Hodder and Stoughton records, 1875-19141
- Holbrook Jackson papers, 1930-19491
- Karl E. Beckson papers, 1956-1993, bulk 1965-19921
- Roberts Brothers papers, 1838-1932, bulk 1882-18981
- Sam Schaefler historical and literary letters and documents, 1674-1970s1
- Solton and Julia Engel collection of literary letters manuscripts and drawings, 1832-19351
- Steven Marcus papers, 1977-20011
- Stuart B. Schimmel collection of Frederick Rolfe papers, 1892-19801
- William Morris Colles papers, 1888-19281