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- Arthur Miller papers relating to "The Crucible", 1952-19531
- Booth Tarkington papers, 1921-19231
- Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum Ephemera, 1750-19701
- DirceĢ St. Cyr papers, 1893-19521
- Don Marquis papers, 1894-19441
- George Clinton Densmore Odell papers, 1870-19501
- Gerald Sykes papers, 1921-19841
- Jacques-Henri Pillionnel papers, 1795-19721
- James Branch Cabell papers, 1919-19221
- Leonidas Westervelt papers, 1816-19501
- Louis Kaufman Anspacher papers, 1897-19481
- Louis Napoleon Parker papers, 1869-19431
- Maurice Valency papers, 1945-19631
- Milton Smith script collection, 1927-19461
- Norman J. Zierold Papers, 1964-19671
- Oscar James Campbell papers, 1914-19641
- Peter Gilsey Collection of Theatrical Admission Tokens & Medalets, 1671-18881
- Robert Florey manuscripts, 1950-19591
- Speech Recordings records, 1925-19651
- Stark Young manuscripts, 1923-19511