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- Architecture Department Records, bulk 2000-20211
- Avery Library Vertical File, 1910s-1970s1
- Barnard + Columbia Architecture Society Records, 2014-20161
- Buildings and Grounds, 1891-20161
- Edith Elmer Wood papers, 1900-19431
- Frederick Fried Coney Island collection, 1847-20011
- Harvey Wiley Corbett architectural drawings and papers, 1914-19491
- Illarion Sergeevich Lanskoi Papers, 99991
- John O. Vegezzi architectural drawings, 1920-19501
- Joseph Urban papers, 1893-19981
- Lucian E. Smith architectural drawings and papers, 1890-19401
- Onsite, 1992-20161
- Rudolf and Margot Wittkower papers, 1916-19951
- Russell Sturgis architectural drawings and papers, 1847-19321
- TKTNK, 2015-20171
- Thomas Egleston papers, 1857-19011