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- "B-Dewey" General Rare Book Collection, 1450-19791
- "B-LC" General Rare Book Collection, 1500 - present1
- "Beyond Words: The Marriage of Art & Literature in Bookmaking" : [Videotape], 19941
- "Bolshevism: the Great Conspiracy" Manuscript, 19261
- "The American Story" papers, 1954216
- "X" - MANUSCRIPTS, bulk 1500-19001
- 1791 New York City Legal Deposition by Free African American Woman Nelley Mumpherd, 17912
- A. A. Sollogub-Dovoino Memoirs, 1920-19261
- A. Arthur Schiller papers, 1897-1977623
- A. Barton Hepburn papers, 1886-192013
- A. Doak Barnett papers, 1929-2010, bulk 1940-19991,763
- A. E. Housman letters, 1922-195847
- A. E. Ussakovskii Memoirs, 19621
- A. Efremov Manuscript, 19501
- A. M. Mikhailov Memoirs, 1921-19321
- A. P. Watt & Son letters, 1883-1917176
- A. Repin Manuscripts, 19491
- A. Whitney Ellsworth papers, 99991
- A.A. Govorov Memoir, 1941-19431
- A.A. Levitskii Memoirs, 19581