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- Yu Feng Tse papers, 1928-2002, bulk 1943-199671
- Nancy Jervis Chinese Film Script and Flier Collection, 1960-198034
- Coins and paper currency of Tibet, 1800s-195914
- Tibetan video recordings from Amdo, bulk 1990s12
- Myron L. Cohen Meinong Collection, 1971-197210
- Tibetan video recordings from Lhasa, 1990s10
- Abe Kōbō collection, 1933-2002, bulk 1950-19931
- Anne S. Goodrich Chinese Paper Gods Collection, bulk circa 1930-19391
- Chinese Diaries collection, 1930s-1980s1
- Japanese Photograph and Postcard Collection, 1911-1990, bulk 1930-19401
- Morton H. Fried papers, 1945-1996, bulk 1961-19861
- The Barbara Curtis Adachi Bunraku Collection, 1964-20031
- The Barbara Curtis Adachi Hands of Japan Collection, 1942-2003, bulk 1970-19931