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- Taliesin Associated Architects architectural drawings and records, 1959-199113,868
- Percy and Harold D. Uris papers, 1901-20037,022
- Woodlawn Cemetery records, 1863-19995,621
- Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue architectural drawings and papers, 1882-19803,578
- Serge Chermayeff architectural records and papers, 1909-19802,567
- Max Abramovitz architectural records and papers, 1925-19902,483
- Durst Organization estate files, bulk 1949-19881,831
- Alan Burnham papers, 1874-1999, bulk 1940-19821,754
- Olgivanna Lloyd Wright papers, ca. 1925-19851,666
- Selma Rattner research papers on James Renwick, 1856-2001, bulk 1960s-20011,628
- Edgar Tafel architectural records and papers, 1919-20051,606
- George Cserna photographs and papers, 1937-19781,586
- Félix Candela architectural records and papers, 1950-19841,544
- Abbott Merkt and Company records, 1906-19941,504
- Emery Roth & Sons architectural records and papers, 1906-1996, bulk 1951-19941,323
- Edith Elmer Wood papers, 1900-19431,300
- The Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture records, bulk 1979-20121,239
- Arthur Rothstein photographs, 1848-2000, bulk 1932-19851,222
- Guastavino Fireproof Construction Company architectural records, 1866-1985, bulk 1890-19421,219
- Henry Hope Reed papers, 1911-19981,165