Series II: Microfilm, circa 1886-1977

Alternative form available:

Please note that the content of this series has been digitized and provided with item-level data in the Carnegie Project portal, found here: If you are searching for specific city or person, you should try your search there first.

Scope and content:

Most of the original (paper) files represented in this series on film were discarded after they were filmed in the 1940s and 1950s. In a few instances, the files exist only on microfiche rather than microfilm. The 107 reels consist of correspondence files and index card files. They chiefly pertain to gifts and grants made by Andrew Carnegie and Carnegie Corporation for free public library buildings and academic library buildings. The reels also include files pertaining to grants-in-aid to individuals, gifts and grants to communities for church organs, and miscellaneous "General Donations."

In addition, Reels 41-42 (II.B) contain an index to the minutes of the meetings of the Corporation's Board, and Reels 90 and 91 (Subseries II.C: General Correspondence on Myrdal, "An American dilemma : the Negro problem and modern democracy") pertain to the Corporation study which resulted in Gunnar Myrdal's highly influential book, An American Dilemma. Reel 107 (II.D) contains General Ledger and Securities Cards.


This series is arranged in four subseries: Subseries II.A: Gifts and Grants Subseries; II.B: Index to Board Minutes Subseries; II.C: General Correspondence on Myrdal, "An American dilemma : the Negro problem and modern democracy"; Subseries II.D: General Ledger and Securities Cards


Access and use

Parent restrictions:

The Collection is open for research with the following standard embargoes: Series I.A. Board Meeting materials are embargoed fifteen (15) years from date of creation. Series I.E. Staff and Trustee Files are embargoed fifteen (15) years from date of creation. Series III.A Grants, Series III.B. Reports on Grants are embargoed twenty-five (25) years from the date the grant closed.

Please be advised that parts of the collection are housed offsite and we request five (5) days advance notice. For Series III.A. Grants, boxes 1701-2085; Series IV.A CCPDC, Series IV.B CCSTG, IV.C CCAD, Series IV.E TFLPG, Series IV.F TFMNYC, Series IV.G MGSSPI, Series V.A Russell, Series V.B Pifer, Series IV.A Home Trust, Series VIII.C. Grant Books, Series XI.A, Series XI.B and Series XI.C are all offsite.

Unique time-based media items have been reformatted and are available onsite via links in the container list. Commercial materials are not routinely digitized.

Description for Series III, grants, temporarily moved to separate finding aid:

Parent terms of access:
Permission to publish and quote materials must be obtained in writing from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Location of this collection:
6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
Before you visit:
Researchers interested in viewing materials in the RBML reading room must must book an appointment at least 7 days in advance. To make the most of your visit, be sure to request your desired materials before booking your appointment, as researchers are limited to 5 items per day.