Documents on Ukrainian Famine of the 1930s [microfilm], 1928-1934

Collection context

Shevchenko Scientific Society (U.S.)
1 item
Ukrainian .
Scope and content:

A microfilm of approximently 200 official documents from the period 1928-1934, concerning the collectivization campaign and famine of the 1930s in the Ukraine. Among them are death registers, regional executive committee (Raivikonkom) protocols, and agricultural records. The originals of these materials are apparently in the collections of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in New York.

1. Akty smertnosti s. Romankovo, Dnipropetrovs'koi okruhy, Kam'ians'koho raionu, 08.01.1933-01.03.1934 (31 sheets, i.e. 29 in notebook and 2 separately).

2. Protokoly Prezydii Krynychans'koho Raivykonkomu, Dnipropetrovs'koi okruhy, 09.19.1930-12.24.1930 (65 sheets, including 9 blank sheets).

3. Protokoly zasidan' Raitekhn. Narady Krynychans'koho Raivykonkomu, Dn. okr., z rospyskamy oholoshenniamy, rezoliutsiieiu ta rozpodilom kredytiv, from 11.30.1930 (11 pages - 9 sheets).

4. Operatyvnyi plan do vesnianoi posivkampanii ta zvit pro vykonannia robit 1933 r. v 15 selakh, abo 4 kushchakh Krynychans'koho i Kam'ians'koho Raioniv ta zvit po Krynychkam, Romankovo i Aulakh (15 sheets).

5. Skorosshyvatel'po vesnianii posivkampanii kurkul'skykh hospodarstv v krynychans'kyi sil'radi v 1931 r. (36 sheets plus 1 sheet from 1929).

6. Sekretariat Krynychans'koho Raivykonkomu, Delo N. 16.a. Materiialy do protokolu Plenumu R.V.K. za 1930 r. (43 sheets).

7. Sekretariat Krynychans'koho Raivykonkomu, Delo N. [illegible] ta rozporiadzhenniq za 1930 r. (34 sheets).

8. Akty do pozbavlennia vyborchykh prav ta vyrishennia anket ta sil'radakh, 1928-1931 (78 sheets).

9. Akty do obshukiv za zbroeiu ta konfiskat v krynychans'kyi sil'radi, August, 1930 (22 sheets).

10. Politychni spravy (29 plus 9 sheets).

11. Akty do zahotivli produktiv (25 sheets).

12. Akty ta nakazy vidnosno kustariv (sheets [illegible]).

Access and use


Readers wishing to photoduplicate or publish materials must have permission of Shevchenko Scientific Society, New York.

This collection is located on site. Stored in microfilm cabinet on Stack 14

Location of this collection:
6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
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