Aleksandr Mortimerovich Brofel'dt Memoirs, 1957

Collection context

Brofel'dt, Aleksander Mortimerovich
1 item 1 folder
Russian .
Scope and content:

Typescript memoirs by A. M. Brofel'dt, entitled "Moi vospominaniia o sluzhbe v stavke verkhovnogo glavnokomanduiushchego: s avgusta 1916 goda po mart 1917 goda" (24 p.).

Biographical / historical:

Aleksander Mortimerovich Brofel'dt (1887-1971), Colonel of the Leib Gvardii Izmailovskii regiment. In emigration in Germany, as per October 1, 1921 member of the Obshchestvo vzaimopomoshchi ofitserov byvshikh Rossiiskikh armii i flota, as per Dec. 1924 - Secretary of the Ob"edinenie Leib-Gvardii Izmailovskogo polka, in November 1951 - representative of the Regimental Association in the United States, by 1967 - employee of the magazine "Voennaia byl'".

Access and use


This collection is located on-site.

Terms of access:

Reproductions may be made for research purposes. The RBML maintains ownership of the physical material only. Copyright remains with the creator and his/her heirs. The responsibility to secure copyright permission rests with the patron.

Preferred citation:

Identification of specific item; Date (if known); Aleksandr Mortimerovich Brofel'dt Memoirs; Box and Folder; Bakhmeteff Archive, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University Library.

Location of this collection:
6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
Before you visit:
Researchers interested in viewing materials in the RBML reading room must must book an appointment at least 7 days in advance. To make the most of your visit, be sure to request your desired materials before booking your appointment, as researchers are limited to 5 items per day.