Vera Nikolaevna Pavlova Memoirs, 1940-1945

Collection context

Pavlova, Vera Nikolaevna, b. 1874
201 pages (201 pages)
Russian .
Scope and content:

The typescript memoirs "Vospominaniia: Zhizn' i rabota v Khudozhestvennom Teatre" discuss her childhood, education, theatrical career, personal life, the 1917 Revolution and the Civil War, and the emigration in Germany in the 1920s. Persons appearing more or less briefly in the memoirs include Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, Konstantin Stanislavskii-Alekseev, Sergei Diagilev, Savva Morozov, Mstislav Dobuzhinskii, and Ol'ga Knipper. However, the memoirs are chiefly personal in nature, and provide relatively little information on Pavlova's theatrical career or the Khudozhestvennyi Teatr in particular. A sizeable part concerns the period of the Civil War and its immediate aftermath (1918-22) in the Ukraine and the Crimea.

Biographical / historical:

An actress, Pavlova worked in Nemirovich-Danchenko's and Stanislavskii-Alekseev's Moskovskii Khudozhestvennyi Teatr (Moscow Art Theatre) from the late 1890s to the time of the Russian Civil War.

Access and use


This collection is located on-site.

Location of this collection:
6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
Before you visit:
Researchers interested in viewing materials in the RBML reading room must must book an appointment at least 7 days in advance. To make the most of your visit, be sure to request your desired materials before booking your appointment, as researchers are limited to 5 items per day.