Konstantin Nikolaevich Nikolaev Papers, 1928-1960

Collection context

Nikolaev, Konstantin Nikolaevich, 1889-1963
45 items (1 box)
Russian .
Scope and content:

Nikolaev's memoirs discuss his service in the White Army, the Russian Defense Corps, and the camp in Kellerberg, Austria after World War II. Another manuscript is entitled"Deĭstvii︠a︡ Russkago Okrannago Korpusa v Serbii, 1941-45 gg." Manuscripts and memoirs by others largely concern General Lavr Kornilov. There is a subject file on the "Sodruzhestvo Lient︠s︡" (Lienz agreement). Printed materials include a mimeographed pamphlet"Kratkiĭ obzor zhizni i dei︠a︡telńosti russkoĭ gruppy v lagere Kellerberg.".

Biographical / historical:

Imperial and White army officer who served during World War II in the Russkiĭ Okhrannyĭ Korpus (Russian Defense Corps) in Yugoslavia and later a displaced person in Austria.

Access and use


This collection is located on-site.

Location of this collection:
6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA
Before you visit:
Researchers interested in viewing materials in the RBML reading room must must book an appointment at least 7 days in advance. To make the most of your visit, be sure to request your desired materials before booking your appointment, as researchers are limited to 5 items per day.