Cai, Zengji (Choy, Jun-ke), 蔡增基, 1970

341 pages and 2 Reels
Scope and content:

Son of Chinese immigrants to Hawaii; return to China, 1911; Commissioner of finance, Canton, 1919-1920; Commissioner of land, Canton, 1926; general manager Canton-Hankow Railway, 1928; managing director Shanghai-Nanking Railway and Shanghai-Hangchow Railway, Shanghai, 1928-29; mayor of Hangchow, 1930; commissioner of finance, Shanghai, 1931; commissioner of land, Shanghai, 1933-1934; visits abroad; rehabilitating shipping; second Japanese invasion; refuge in Macao, hazardous journey to Shiukwan; trek to Chungking, return to America

Interview audio has been digitized. The digitized audio is accompanied by timestamped indexing for ease of navigation.

Other finding aids:

Additional information about interview, including rights and access conditions, can be found in the CLIO record. Use CLIO record to request paper transcript in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library reading room.

Access and use

Parent restrictions:
Access: Open
Location of this collection:
6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA