Koo, V. K. Wellington, 顧維鈞, 1975
- Extent:
- 10,436 pages and 23 Reels
- Scope and content:
Childhood and education, 1882-1912; first decade as diplomat, 1912-1922; sevice in China, 1922-1932; mission to Paris, 1932-1941; second mission to London, 1941-1946; to Washington, 1946-1953; second mission to Washington, 1953-1956; service as foreign minister and premier; representative to League of Nations and United Nations; associate justice of the International Court of Justice at The Hague, 1956-1967; detailed table of contents for all eight volumes. Audio content for this interview is broken into segments that not follow same sequence as the transcript
Interview transcript and audio have been digitized. The digitized audio is accompanied by timestamped indexing for ease of navigation.
- Other finding aids:
Additional information about interview, including rights and access conditions, can be found in the CLIO record. Use CLIO record to request paper transcript in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library reading room.
Online content
Access and use
- Parent restrictions:
- Access: Open
- Location of this collection:
- Contact:
- oralhist@library.columbia.edu