Kung, H. H. (Kung, Hsiang-hsi; Kong, Xiangxi), 孔祥熙, 1958

147 pages and 1 Reels
Scope and content:

Childhood, family's position in business, early influence of missionaries, experiences in politics, the Boxer Rebellion; education in China and United States, return to China; early association with Kuomintang and rise within Nationalist government; trip to Europe 1937 and meetings with Franklin D. Roosevelt, Neville Chamberlain, Eduard Benes, Hitler, and Mussolini; view of many government policies, role in currency stabilization, information about the Sian Incident and increasing Japanese pressure; friendship with various Chinese and foreign leaders.

Interview audio has been digitized.

Other finding aids:

Additional information about interview, including rights and access conditions, can be found in the CLIO record. Use CLIO record to request paper transcript in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library reading room.

Access and use

Parent restrictions:
Access: Open
Location of this collection:
6th Floor East Butler Library
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027, USA