Series III: Personal, 1987-2023
- Scope and content:
Series comprises materials relating to Fly's personal life. Materials include Fly's personal files, datebooks, address books, journals, sketchbooks, correspondence, writings, interviews, press files, and band files.
Subseries III.1 consists of resumes, business cards, awards, fellowship applications, contracts and royalties, consignments, financial records, to-do lists, records relating to sales and exhibitions, etc.
Subseries III.2 consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence, dating from 1991 to 2022. Most of the correspondence is related to zine exchanges, art exchanges, fan letters, comic and zine requests, holiday cards, postcards, and letters from her fellow artistic friends and collaborators. Some of the highlights in the correspondence include drawings, exchange art on envelopes, and the correspondence zine collaboration with X-Dog and Jonny Melvin Reed, who worked with Fly on the comic, In*side*out, which was published in World War 3 Illustrated in 1996.
Subseries III.3 includes datebooks and address books that Fly has collected over the years. The datebooks and calendars include notes on her daily schedules and to do items. The address books include lists of people she has contacts to.
Subseries III.4 comprises journals and sketchbooks Fly created to document her personal and artistic life. The journals include writings about her daily experience, sometimes a combination of a written and visual journal with drawings, collages, paintings, scribbles, poetry, dreams, thoughts, stories, and other experiments. While Fly was traveling, she would constantly draw her new surroundings and write down thoughts and information about whatever she found interesting. Through the journals, many containing drawings and sketches, they document the progress of the building she was living in and the Lower East Side neighborhood. They also provide a space for Fly to visualize her life, experiences, hopes, and her living space with a bigger picture. The sketchbooks include drawings, sketches, ideas, and roughs of her production materials.
Subseries III.5 includes published and unpublished manuscripts written and/or collected by Fly, interviews, press files, and materials relating to her music career as a bassist and vocalist for God is My Co-Pilot during the mid 1990s and her solo band Zero Content. Materials include band publicity files, setlists, music notes, and so on. Additional band related materials can be found in Series I: Production Materials, Subseries I.3: Events, Gigs, Shows; Series II: Printed materials, and Series VIII: Born Digital and Audio and Moving Images for media content.
Access and use
- Parent restrictions:
This collection is located on site.
This collection has no restrictions.
To access the textile/artifacts, please contact
All original copies of audio / moving image media / born digital materials are closed until reformatting. Please email
The collection also includes an extensive amount of digital material which has been preserved but has not been processed. Please contact the RBML at to discuss access options.
- Parent terms of access:
- Single reproductions may be made for research purposes. It is the responsibility of the user to secure permission for publication or use from the appropriate copyright holder.
- Location of this collection:
- Before you visit:
- Researchers interested in viewing materials in the RBML reading room must must book an appointment at least 7 days in advance. To make the most of your visit, be sure to request your desired materials before booking your appointment, as researchers are limited to 5 items per day.
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