Columbia-Barnard Course Guides, 1970-1994

Collection context

Columbia University, Barnard College, and Barnard College
This collection consists of Columbia-Barnard Course guides, which were annual student publications that reviewed courses and instructors at Barnard College and Columbia University.
1.42 Linear Feet (1 document box, 1 carton)
English .
Scope and content:

This collection contains published course guides from 1970-1994.

The 1977 Columbia-Barnard Course Guide includes a detailed history of the Course Guide.

Biographical / historical:

The Columbia-Barnard Course Guide was founded in 1963, in order to provide students with a clearer understanding of which classes to take. The Course Guide was published by students, originally by Columbia's Ted Kremer Society and, beginning in 1971, by an independent organization. Early issues consisted of informal stapled, mimeographed booklets and were referred to as the Ted Kremer Society's Course Evaluation Booklets. In 1969, now using professional printing and binding, the publication began officially calling itself the Columbia-Barnard Course Guide in. The following year's edition (the 1970 Columbia-Barnard Course Guide) is the earliest issue housed at the Barnard Archives.

Students evaluated courses using surveys provided by Columbia-Barnard Course Guide staff on a five-point scale from 1970 until 1981, and again beginning in 1992. 1982-1990 course guides were graded on a ten-point scale, the 1969 guide used letter grades, and earlier editions contained only written evaluations. Criteria that instructors were evaluated on included presentation, informative value, readings, and workload. Course Guides also contained statistics on different instructors' grade distributions. In 1977, the Course Guide began including School of Engineering courses along with its regular Barnard and Columbia College listings.

Cuts in student funding put the Course Guide on hiatus in 1990, and no Course Guides were published during the following year. The Course Guide had a somewhat gradual revival, with smaller supplemental guides published during the 1992-1993 academic year before a full course guide was finally published again in 1993. Although the Barnard student handbooks mention the Columbia-Barnard Course Guides up until 2000, the Barnard Archive only has course guides up to 1994.

These course guides can be seen as precursors to the current online Columbia Underground Listing of Professor Ability (CULPA) review website.

Access and use


This collection has no restrictions.

Terms of access:

Permission to publish material from the collection must be requested from the Barnard College Archives. The Barnard College Archives approves permission to publish that which it physically owns; the responsibility to secure copyright permission rests with the patron.

Photocopies or scans may be made for research purposes.

Preferred citation:

Columbia-Barnard Course Guides, 1970-1994; Box and Folder; Barnard Archives and Special Collections, Barnard Library, Barnard College.

Location of this collection:
Milstein Center for Teaching and Learning 423
Barnard College
3009 Broadway
New York, NY 10027, USA
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