This collection is arranged in five series to reflect the terms of Barnard's deans and chronological therein.
Series 1. Emily James Smith (Putnam), Dean, 1894-1900
Series 2. Laura Drake Gill, Dean, 1901-1907
Series 3. William Tenney Brewster, Acting Dean, 1907-1910
Series 4. Virginia Crocheron Gildersleeve, 1911-1947
Series 5. Millicent Carey McIntosh, 1947-1952
Boxes titled with a date range adhere to a filing scheme outling the material's organization by subject.
The title of Dean changed to President during Millicent Mcintosh's term in 1952, and material beginning with the '52-'53 school year has been moved to the President's Office Records, BC 5.22. During this period of transition the titles of "Dean" and "President" were used interchangeably.
1. Trustees
a. Clerk
b. Treasurer
c. Associate members
d. Finances
e. –
f. –
fd. Morningside Heights, Inc.
g. Alumnae committees (13-14; 25th Anniversary)
2. Trustee committees
a. Buildings and grounds
b. Education
c. Finance
d. Scholarship
e. Pure science fund
f. Administration of Student's Hall / Barnard Hall
3. Endowment
4. Alumnae
a. Reunion, by class
b. Committee on Athletics
c. Co-operative dorm
d. Ella Weed Room
e. Student's Aid Committee; Students' Loan Fund
f. Membership Committee
g. Committee on Employment
h. –
i. –
j. Alumnae bulletin
k. Alumnae council
l. –
m. Barnard Camp (1924/25 – )
n. –
o. –
p. Board of Directors
q. –
r. Barnard College Club (1930/31 – )
5. –
6. University President
7. Secretary of the University
a. Publicity (directory, statistics, catalog)
b. Treasurer
c. Registrar
d. Bursar
e. Buildings and grounds
Ea. Barnard Lunchroom
f. Dean's Office (Columbia College)
g. Chaplain (some years in Reg O include list of Jewish students)
h. Health
Ha. University Physician
i. Library
Ia. University Librarian
j. Public ceremonies
Ja. 175th Anniversary (1928/29 – 1929/30)
k. –
l. Public Relations
m. Summer Session
n. Library
o. School of Hygiene
p. Graduate faculties
q. Extension
Qb. Institute of Arts and Sciences
r. Quarterly; Columbia University Press (1928/29 – )
s. Alumni council and news; Alumni Association of the Graduate Schools
t. Committee on Employment for Students
u. Woman's Faculty Club (1913-14 only)
v. Provost
w. –
x. Women's Graduate Club (1927/28, see also 11)
y. University Extension Home Study
z. –
8. University Council (see also 13f)
9. Earl Hall; Casa Italiana (1928/29 – )
10. Lecturer; Maison Française (1930/31 – )
11. Women Graduate Students; Johnson Hall
a. Officers; Johnson Hall (1928/29 – )
12. University Committees
a. Appointments; Advisory Committee on Women's Residence Halls (1930/31 – )
b. On social settlements
c. On entrance exams
d. On higher degrees
e. On admissions
Ea. Special high school exams
f. On Student's Hall (1915/16 – )
g. –
h. On public health instruction (1915/16 – )
13. Schools of University
a. Journalism
b. Union Theological
c. Pharmacy
d. Architecture
e. Philanthropy; NY School of Social Work
f. University Council (see also 8)
g. Physicians and Surgeons
h. Law
i. Business
j. Architecture (1927/28 – )
k. –
l. –
14. –
15. –
16.Teachers College
a. Dean's Office
b. Secretary
c. Registrar
d. Committee on Undergraduate Students
e. Extension teaching
f. Educational Museum
g. Appointments secretary
h. School of Practical Arts
i. Library (1928/29 – )
17.Barnard offices
a. Bursar
b. Registrar
c. Secretary
Ca. Personnel
d. Dean
Da. Student affairs
Db. Social events
Dc. Outside groups
Dd. Speeches, articles, annual report
De. Politics
Df. Recommendations
Dg. Personal
e. Provost
18. Dean's Office
a. –
b. List of graduating students and grades
c. Faculty meetings
d. –
e. –
f. Registration
19. Committees
a. Admissions
b. Instruction/programs of studies
Ba. Faculty advisors
Baa. Student programs (1928/29 – )
Bb. Curriculum
c. Honors (some include honor system)
d. Scholarships
e. Student Organizations; Student Affairs
f. Joint TC committee on faculty exchange
g. Schedule of hours
h. Re-organization of faculty (1919 – )
i. Transfers
j. University undergraduates
k. Alumnae; foreign students (1929/30 – )
20. Faculty, budget
21 – 49. Departments
a. Personnel
b. –
c. Registrar's office
21. Anthropology
22. Astronomy
23. Botany
24. Chemistry
25. Economics and Social Science
26. Education
27. English
28. Fine Arts
29. Geography / French
30. Geology
32. Greek and Latin
33. History
34. Italian
35. Law
36. Mathematics
37. –
38. Music
39. Philosophy and Psychology
40. Physical Education
a. Greek Games
41. Physics
42. Romance Languages
43. Zoology
44. Proposed courses
45. Religion
46. Government
47. Interdepartmental Programs (?): American Studies
48. East European Languages
49. Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese
50. College Entrance Examination Board
51. Residence Halls
a. Employment of staff
b. Miscellaneous off-campus housing; cafeteria (1929/30 – )
c. Deanery, Hewitt
d. Office of the Commons
52. Repairs at Barnard
53. –
54. Assemblies
55. Publicity
a. Publications
b. Printing of exam papers
c. Printing of diplomas
d. Paper samples; stationery orders
e. Printing of office papers/forms
f. Announcements, brochures
g. Clipping bureau
56. Chapel; Summer School for women workers in Industry (1928/29 – )
57. Scholarships
a. Graduate Fellowships
b. Foreign students
c. Individual students for whom VCG sought funds
d. -
e. International
f. Guggenheim Foundation
g. WONPR Public Service Fellowship
58. Associate Alumnae
59. Social activities (suffix c denotes constitution of an organization)
a. Entertainments
Aa. Bear
b. Athletic Association; also 59mm
Bb. Students' exchange
Bbb. Barnard Farm
c. Barnard Club; Whittier Hall (see also 59n)
Cc. Craigie Club; Newman Club (1925/26 – )
Ccc. Menorah (1925/26 – )
d. Fraternities
e. Societé Française
E2. Deutscher Kreis
E3. Classical Club
Ee. Socialist Club
f. Christian Students' Missionary Association; Church Club
Ff. Musical Club
Fff. Dance and Music Club; Dance Club
g. Lunchroom
Gg. Philosophy Club
h. Christian Club; Blue Book; Religious and social organizations
Hh. Firelight Club
i. Mortarboard
Ii. English Club
j. Mathematical Club
Jj. Debate Club
k. Class gift
l. Undergraduate Association (see also 59p)
m. Student Council
n. Whittier Hall (see also 59c)
o. Bulletin (see also 59q)
Oo. Barnacle (see also 59r)
p. Commencement; Undergraduate Association (1928/29 – )
Pa. Honor Board (1925/26 – )
q. Zoological Club; Bulletin (1928/29 – , see also 59o)
r. Barnard Union, Barnacle (see also 59oo)
s. Foreign missions
t. College Settlements Association; Circulo Hispano (1928/29 – )
u. Senior class
v. Junior class
w. Sophomore class
x. Freshman class
y. Suffrage Club, Social Science Club/League
z. Classes: constitutions and correspondence (followed by class year less 10, e.g. z11 is class of 1921)
60. Invitations to other college ceremonies
61. Advertising
62. Publicity / Press Relations
a. 1929-30
63. Phi Beta Kappa
64. Expositions
65. Association of Collegiate Alumnae; College Entrance Examination Board (1928/29 – )
66. Relations with TC
67. Botany Club
68. Women's University Club
69. Learned Societies/Secondary Schools
a. American School of Classical Studies/Athens
b. Naple's Table Association for Women's Scientific Research/SPARS
c. Modern Language Association
d. The Brearley School
e. Masters School, Dobbs Ferry
f. National Institute of Social Sciences
g. Constantinople Women's College
h. Spence School
i. National Association of Principals of Schools for Girls
j. Co-operative Bureau for Women Teachers/St. Agatha's
k. Chapin School
l. –
m. National Research Council
n. Presbyterian Hospital Nursing School
o. –
p. Carnegie Corp. Advisory Committee on College Libraries
q. National Student Federation of America (1930/31 – )
70. Occupation Bureau
71. Bureau of Vocational Information
72. Placement for Teachers (?)
73. Personnel Research Federation; non-teacher placement
74. Placement: part time and odd jobs
75. –
76. Placement: unsolicited part-time jobs
77. Placement: full-time jobs
78. Fellowships and graduate scholarships
a. Rose Sidgwick Memorial Foundation (1918/19 – )
b. French exchange programs; France-America Society
c. Honors courses (1922/23 – )
79. Association of Collegiate Alumnae Placement Bureau
80. Contributions
a. Potential donors
81. National Education Association
82. Complaints, crank letters, investigations; English Speaking Union (1929/30 – ), UNESCO
83. Committee on Public Information, begun 1918 re: women's war work
84. American Council on Education / Institute of International Education
85. International Federation of University Women (see also 96 1929/30); American Council on Education (1928/29 – )
a. Institute of International Education
86. Seven College Conference
87. Study Abroad (1929/30 – )
88. College Entrance Examination Board (see also 65, 50)
89. –
90. –
91. –
92. –
93. Summer Session at Oxford / Committee on International Intellectual Cooperation (1929/30)
94. AAUW
a. Reid Hall (1928/29 – )
b. Reid Hall finances (1928/29 – )
c. Reid Hall minutes of the Board of Directors (1930/31 – )
d. –
e. –
f. Committee on International Relations (1928/29 – )
g. Fellowships (1928/29 – )
95. Carnegie Corporation
96. International Federation of University Women (1928/29 – )
a. Budget Committee
b. Crosby Hall (?)